The Digital Marketers Oath

CIM Has Taken The Digital Marketers Oath

Feel Free to join us!.  

Here’s why. Imagine a future in which everyone in our industry made these promises and lived by them. It would be amazing. It would transform the culture of the internet.

Join Chief Internet Marketer and a growing list of others committed to The Digital Marketer’s Oath!  

Let’s make a difference together.  #BeTheChief

Digital Marketer Image

I Commit to Use My Digital Marketing Powers for the Greater Good.

Digital marketing skills, wielded by an expert, are awesomely powerful. But as Spiderman himself warned: with great power comes great responsibility. It’s not enough to “build great brands” or make money. I aim to elevate, inspire, and be honorable. 

I Commit to Work with Purpose.

I choose projects that ignite my soul. I live and work in alignment with values that I hold core.

I Swear to Act As a Fiduciary.

I will act as a fiduciary not just for whoever’s paying me but also for anyone touched by my work. I commit to service—to being a trusted advisor who improves people’s lives.

I Will Lift Others.

I will empower future leaders by giving back to others, sharing my journey and insights, and mentoring the next generation.

Upon completion of the Oath... Grab the image below, share your commitment and send others to this link!

Always... #BeTheChief