According to an industry poll, JavaScript is still the leader amid varied programming and scripting
languages, trailed by HTML, CSS
as Node.js, Angular and React lead, followed by NET Core, Spring
Defining popular JavaScript tech.
React is a library for creating user interfaces maintained by Facebook. The library can be optimum for
large web applications and allows processing data without frequent page reloading.
Vue.js has emerged as strong competition because of
library featuring:
Great performance
SVG animations
Open-source product
Proxy support
Stable API
Angular is maintained by Google with developers using its library to create single page applications
(SPA). Angular version 7 includes features as:
Angular Elements are components that currently support content projection via slots
The overall app performance is enhanced by automatically adding or removing the reflect
metadata polyfill
The Angular CLI can prompt user capability in order to assist and implement decision selections.
CLI documentation is now integrated into the main docs
By using the default bundle budgets, users warners will occur each time the app exceeds 2MB.
Node.js remains a popular download open source software for implementing JavaScript code to a
browser. Built on Google Chrome’s JavaScript Engine (V8 Engine) there seems sparse competition.
Other trends
GraphQL has impressive chances to become a replacement for REST API according to some industry
speculation. GraphQL is a query language that has gained broad acceptance and can be integrated with
React through the Relay framework.
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