Is your website working for you? Is it bringing in good leads that turn into sales? If not, it may be time to get a handle on who is visiting your site and what they’re looking for. 79% of the visitors to your site come quietly, don’t fill out a form and leave unannounced. Sure, Google Analytics can tell you that someone was there, but what pages did they visit? What company were they from?Despite the promise of online marketing it’s been difficult to get this information. But with marketing automation, you can understand who is coming to your website and what they are looking for. With this behavioral information you can make sure that you are giving them the right information at the right time.A solid marketing automation strategy begins with understanding who is coming to your site and why. This allows you to customize website content to meet their needs, ultimately resulting in them filling out a form so that you know who they are. This strategy pays off by insuring that what you are offering matches what your prospects are looking for and opens up opportunities to nurture they with automated emails and custom content and product or service offers.Now might just be the time to get your website working to provide a return in the form of good prospects and sales. Contact CIM to learn how.