Machine learning continues to foster change and demand transparency with metric analytical accuracy.
Competing for Consumer Attention
The digitized ecosystem must constantly evolve to compete for consumer attention. Spontaneous
access matters more than ever in our global village.
of consumer views. Content messaging and visuals must be
smaller shares of consumer attention, but with more insights from campaign data.
Evolving Tech strides
Cloud strategies by tech giants as Google, Microsoft and Amazon will create and foster better marketing
services. Industry strides at Microsoft that produced GitHub, an open repository for programming code
that's become popular with developers.
Data Storage
Machine learning is prodding data repository providers to introduce visuals and query features to help
analysts process data more efficiently. Dashboard programs as Google Data Studio now feature
connectors to process and assimilate more charts, graphs and other visualizations with more ease. As
machine learning evolves amid the tech giants, more data repositories will thrive to ease tasking of data
Data Privacy
A pivotal year for data privacy with the EU enactment of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
This is crystallizing the realization that branding is correlated to privacy issues as data breaches. New
regulations along with heightened privacy concerns, prevent brands from collecting and analyzing data
without consumer consent. GDPR and other pending regulations are causing companies to adopt data
governance policies, and also potentially including governance service as (
frameworks and services that highlight governance issues. Developers will have to ascertain how their
products help apply
Social Media Metrics and Consumer Trust
Facebook breaches,
aggregated a surge of consumer trust. Social media companies sought improvement to their platforms,
promising to ensure safe connections. Clarity and transparency remain critical as influencer mindset can
affect changes in content that can reflect changes in key metrics.
Video Ad Growth
Industry reports now indicate that video ads are requisite amid consumer ad journey. This means that
video ads now have an increasing role to drive conversions with dashboard development to reflect such
Digital Ad Marketing Trust
Marketers are now better informed and equipped to scrutinize the accuracy of metrics. Whether the
Facebook revelations can serve as a case study in the study of metrics, such as the pricing of
programmatic ads and ad scammer sophistication. The industry mantra of finding truth in the data now
requires more scrutiny of customer insights on the metrics frontier with the potential of significant
regulatory hallmarks.
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