Predictions are being made across the globe of a rapid increase of location-based-targeting among mobile advertisers, and it’s expected to just keep growing. The attach rates of location technologies in handsets and the increasing consumer acceptance of location-based services in general are just a few of the main reasons why.Targeting by location in combination with other contextual and behavioral segmentation marketing greatly enhances the relevance of mobile advertising. SMS, mobile search and coupons have also emerged as important LBA formats. Some reports indicate that major digital and telecom players such as Google, Apple and Nokia are competing to gain market shares in the space alongside mobile operators, LBS players, location-aware apps and media, mobile coupon providers, mobile search companies and proximity marketing providers.The traditional mobile advertising providers have also intensified their focus on location targeting, in some cases even through acquisitions. Further consolidation is expected as small players with innovative advertising solutions are absorbed by larger players in the industry.CIM offers ecommerce solutions that deliver an impact on your brand and ROI. We provide concise data, with key recommendations and strategic insights about pivotal developments in your focus areas. Our vision is to be the most valuable source of consulting intelligence for our customers. Visit for a customized location based marketing strategy that drive your business forward.
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