For many years marketers built websites, put them online and hoped that the content was relevant to potential customers. Then analytics tools evolved and we could begin to see what content was getting the most traffic, enabling us to make some intelligent assumptions and content improvements.Today, sophisticated yet affordable marketing automation tools enable us to see who is visiting our websites and what specifically they are looking at—even if they don’t fill out a form. By understanding who visits your site and what they look at you can begin to gain insight into how to improve your website so that visitors see you as an authority in your field.[caption id="attachment_520" align="alignleft" width="1094"] See the website pages a prospect has visited.[/caption]Even more importantly, knowing what a visitor is looking at also enables the sales staff to reach out and answer questions before your competitors are even aware there is an opportunity. Advanced automation tools like notifications and email follow ups can also be employed to insure that visitors remain engaged with your company and that you are providing a customer-focused response.You’ve spent a lot of time building a website with great content. Now, begin to systematically leverage that content to build business leads and see solid ROI.To really understand how to leverage your website to get leads and business, contact Chief Internet Marketer for a demo of marketing automation.